Monday, February 16, 2009

Live one letter at a time ....

Saw this in a book that I am reading and its so true since there will always be things in life that you haven't got control over :-) When we are in situations that we never thought we would be in, it helps to live life a day or a letter at a time. That is the best thing you could do for yourself as well as your loved ones.

The mantra is to live each moment to the fullest and not to regret anything for which you are not responsible for. There will be events in your life that you never intended to be a part of but, there you are amidst it :-) We need to understand that we don't not have to prove ourselves to anyone as the people who care will always be around. They know that person you are!!!

So, take life as it comes with the best spirit! Being positive really helps you go a long way and achieving your goals irrespective of the events that occur in your life.


  1. really nice blog,was just browsing through diffrent blogs and came across yours .....interesting.
    People do have a tendency of regretting the events in the past in their life and i simply hate such people.

  2. thanks for your wonderful comment durgesh. I really appreciate the time you have spent going through my blog. Take care!

    - Rosh

  3. Rosh!
    You have such a positive spirit! We are sisters of the heart :0). I am disappointed when people are constantly complaining or feeling disgruntled about something or about everything.. lol... We must learn, like you said, from the unpleasant in life and move on from it. Life is one big lesson to learn from. Taking difficult times one day at a time and having friends help you through with letters is a great way of looking at dealing with times like that.
    Something else i do is color mandalas. I'm sure you have heard of them? I have a book of celtic, tibetan and native american mandalas and if i am upset about something, i can sit and concentrate on the mandala, the shapes and colors of my pencils or crayons and color away and it calms my spirit and gives me strength and relaxation. I make patterns with my colors within the structure of the mandala to make it more interesting to me. I feel happy and privileged to be brought into your blog thoughts. I find different things all the time that we agree on .. on an emotional level and it is so nice to share that with you. Love ya girlfriend :0)... peace... annie! xox

  4. I'm really glad that you liked my blog annie :-) and writing seems to be my therapy. I haven't heard of the mandalas, probably would check them out cause it sounds interesting. Keep those comments coming in and doesnt matter if they are positive or otherwise cause i need to improve and learn more to write better

  5. Hi Rosh!
    yes writing is great therapy. I think so too. Do you keep your own private journals? I used to do that. Mandalas - i found out about them from One Spirit book club. They are adult coloring books for me :0). I like this book club because it has subjects of body, mind & spirit, all subjects very helpful for your life. They always have so many books i want to order. Lately though i have been looking for the titles used on to save $$$. I stil buys books from them though on occasion at the member price. I feel that you write very well and that your English is excellent. Going to look at your other blogs! xox annie :0)

  6. Rosh - I do not like being critical of other people. You said you wanted to improve your writing. If you ever use an english word that i interpret from your meaning should be a different english word, is that what you mean? Do you want me to tell you the different word i would use in the sentence?

  7. annie, sweetie let me know if you feel that i could have written something much better than I already have. Not critical but its just feedback :-)
