Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lessons I learnt....

Life has been really interesting and shall always be to me. There have been situations in my life which has made me a more patient and understanding person. I have realized my potential and have amazed myself this time around. Others around me also see me as a more calm and composed person as by nature I'm the aggressive as well as impulsive type.

Taking things as they come and living for the moment is the most important lesson I have learnt. It is truly easy to talk about rather than practising it. Another thing that I have learnt is to address issues then and there without fearing that I would be hurting someone. Also realized that anything could be addressed in a easy and simple manner if we use our mind logically rather than getting emotional. I have given myself plenty of quality time and see that it is actually turning out to be quite beneficial in every decision I need to make.

Life is so much better than I ever thought it was and I really love myself so I wouldn't be doing anything in an impulsive momentum which would hurt my family. I love them !


  1. Points well taken! And you know, what I have learnt - “the person most of the time surprises you is non other than you” :)

  2. i completely agree with you alok, we're on the same page. Glad you liked reading this post :-)
