Wednesday, June 3, 2009


All of us look or rather most of us look for soul mates in our lives and in the process we meet up with several people intentionally or otherwise. Having a soul mate is like having a friend for life and this soul mate is usually your partner for life. It is very difficult to be yourself completely or rather in all situations so it would be a lot more harder to identify the soul mate you are looking for.

Many relationships start with false expectations as people are not being themselves. They are in a mode of pleasing the other person and this is seriously a red alert! I have experienced as well as heard others talk about relationships which have changed drastically and that is really scary. I do agree that once you stay together all the likes and dislikes are a lot more evident. However, that doesn't stop us from being ourselves when we are dating someone. If you are doing that then you are headed for some serious trouble for yourself especially.

Most people go looking after a soul mate subconsciously and people usually are the in extreme zone i.e. either too open minded or completely not ready for someone. The idea is to take each day as it comes along with people and events, than to fight it. Through the normal course of these days you would realize that being with the ideal person is more important than just living for others. Its your life! So, take charge of it, otherwise you will repent.

I am reminded of the song "Say" from the movie Bucket List and song by "John Mayer". This song so beautifully describes that we need to address our issues then and there by communicating or speaking about things that are actually bothering us. Keeping our feelings bottled up is like a volcano erupting when its gets too much! So, we wouldnt want that to happen to us or anyone else. So "say what you need to say".


  1. It's unfortunate, like so many other things in life, we mortage our freedom to live relationships to man-made authority systems - social, political, reigious and even educational.

    It's about making choices and living by them.

    Liked your sharing a lot.

  2. Thanks Indraneel :-) Glad you liked it!
